Friday, October 27, 2006

Miss Rosa's students were patient while I was taking a few pictures. They were getting ready for lunch. and I bet they were wishing I would hurry so they could eat! :)

The first Café HOPE of the year was held on Wednesday, October 25. Kim Martin, Patient Educator from the Kaufman Community Health Clinic was on hand to explain to our students the importance of women's health issues, including breast cancer awareness, pap smears, birth control, STD prevention, and regular health checkups. She brought along many visual aids, including a prosthetic breast with several sizes of lumps to represent what it might feel like when doing self breast exams. Students were provided with a lot of literature and with a good lunch before returning to their classes. Next month's Café HOPE will be on November 29, when our guest will be Anna Kesler from the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas. She will be discussing father's rights, father's responsibilities, and child support.

Ms. Linda and Ms. Carraway's class were making bats and spiders when I peeked in on them and snapped a few shots. :)